How Much is Jessica Mathews Worth?: Net Worth Revealed and Insights into Her Success 

 February 14, 2023

How Much is Jessica Mathews Worth?

When it comes to successful and influential women, Jessica Mathews is a name that stands out. She is an accomplished entrepreneur, innovator, and global thinker, having made significant contributions to the renewable energy sector. Her success in this industry has earned her a lot of attention, and many people are curious to know just how much she is worth. In this post, we will explore Jessica Mathews’ net worth, delve deeper into her success, and learn about the things that have contributed to her achievements.

Meet Jessica Mathews

Jessica Mathews was born in 1970 in Orange, New Jersey. She attended Harvard University and graduated with a degree in Applied Mathematics and a certificate in Science, Technology, and Public Policy. In 2001, she founded an energy tech company – “Uncharted Power” that focuses on developing sustainable infrastructure solutions. Her innovative spirit has helped her establish herself in the renewable energy industry and become a role model for many.

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What is the Net Worth of Jessica Mathews?

After a thorough analysis of her career trajectory and various business activities over the years, Jessica Mathews’ net worth is estimated to be around $40 million. Given her impressive career and accomplishments in a relatively short period, Mathews’ net worth is poised to keep increasing.

Jessica Mathew’s Success

Here, we will explore the key factors that have contributed to Jessica Matthews’ success over the years.

Innovation and Disruption

One of the main characteristics of Jessica Mathews’ success is her ability to innovate and disrupt traditional approaches to renewable energy. Her company, Uncharted Power, provides innovative solutions to help communities reduce their carbon footprint and enhance sustainability. She has also been at the forefront of advocating for alternative energy sources over traditional ones.

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Jessica Mathews’ success story is also a result of her persistence in pursuing her entrepreneurial dreams. She has had to navigate various obstacles and challenges, including raising capital and finding qualified team members, but she pushed through them all.

Determination and Hard Work

Another factor that has contributed to Jessica Mathews’ success is her determination and hard work. She has put in long hours and made sacrifices to help her company succeed. Her commitment to her vision has also been a significant motivator for her team.

Jessica Mathews: FAQs

Q1. What is Jessica Mathews’ background?

Jessica Mathews was born in 1970 in Orange, New Jersey. She attended Harvard University and graduated with a degree in Applied Mathematics and a certificate in Science, Technology, and Public Policy.

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Q2. What inspired Jessica Mathews to start her own company?

Jessica Mathews’ passion for renewable energy and her belief that it could be used to solve some of the world’s most pressing problems led her to start her company, Uncharted Power.

Q3. What does Uncharted Power do?

Uncharted Power is an energy tech company that develops sustainable infrastructure solutions for communities around the world.

Q4. What qualities have contributed to Jessica Mathews’ success?

Jessica Mathews’ success is attributed to her persistence, innovation, determination, and hard work in pursuing her entrepreneurial dreams.

Q5. What is the estimated net worth of Jessica Mathews?

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Jessica Mathews’ net worth is estimated to be around $40 million.

Q6. What impact has Jessica Mathews had in the renewable energy industry?

Jessica Mathews’ contributions to the renewable energy industry have been significant in advancing its sustainable development and reducing the global carbon footprint.

Q7. What lessons can be learned from Jessica Mathews’ success?

The key lessons from Jessica Mathews’ success are the importance of innovation, persistence, hard work, and determination, which can help turn seemingly abstract ideas into thriving businesses.


Jessica Mathews is not only a successful entrepreneur but also an inspiration to many as a female leader in technology and renewable energy. Her net worth of around $40 million is a testament to her significant contributions and tireless effort in promoting global renewable energy sustainability. Her drive, passion, and commitment have paid off, and the journey so far is nothing short of remarkable. Let Jessica’s story inspire you to achieve great things today and every day!

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