“7 Guidelines to Create a Killer Blog Post Title that Ranks #1 on Google” 

 February 28, 2023


If you are reading this blog, chances are you are already aware of the importance of having a blog for your website or brand. However, merely having a blog is not enough to get you the desired traffic. Creating a unique and attractive blog post title can make a significant difference in how your blog performs on search engines.

After all, one of the crucial factors in attracting visitors to your website is the title of your blog post. Without a compelling title, even a well-written article will go unnoticed. Hence, we have compiled seven guidelines that can help you create the perfect blog post title that ranks #1 on Google.

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1. Be Precise:

The most essential thing to remember while creating a blog post title is that it should give a clear idea of the content of the blog post. The title should accurately reflect what the blog post is about.

For example, if your blog post is about “The Best Places to Visit in New York City,” your title should be “Top 10 Must-Visit Places in New York City.” Readers should be able to understand what they’re getting into by reading the title.

2. Use Numbers:

Using numbers in your title can make it more attractive and eye-catching. According to research, titles with numbers tend to get more clicks than those without.

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For example, instead of “6 Tips for a Clean Home,” consider using “6 Easy Tips for a Sparkling Clean Home.” This adds more intrigue to the title and makes it more shareable.

3. Make It Unique:

One of the ways to stand out from the rest is to make your title unique. Think of catchy phrases, puns, or humor that can make your title stand out from the rest.

Try using a different angle in presenting a topic. For example, instead of “Ways to Stay Healthy,” use “Secrets of Healthy People: Habits to Adopt.”

4. Keep It Short:

Most people prefer titles that are short and to-the-point. It is good to keep your title within 60 characters so that it fits in the search engines.

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For instance, instead of “10 Reasons Why You Should Travel to Europe,” opt for “10 Reasons to Travel Europe.”

5. Use Keywords Strategically:

A blog post title should contain keywords that the readers are searching for. It not only makes your blog post more searchable, but it also increases the chances of it appearing at the top of the search results.

For example, if your blog post is about “Best Vegetarian Pizza Toppings,” it should contain keywords such as “Vegetarian Pizza” and “Toppings.” You can also use long-tail keywords such as “Best Vegetarian Pizza Toppings for Cheese Lovers.”

6. Ask Questions:

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Another way to make your blog post title attractive is by asking questions. Titles that are phrased as questions encourage readers to click on them to find the answers.

Some examples of question titles would be “What Are the Best Ways to Stay Fit Without Hitting the Gym?” or “How to Create the Perfect Home Office Space?”

7. Avoid Clickbait:

Lastly, avoid using clickbait titles at all costs. Although clickbait titles may get more clicks, they are unethical and harm your credibility in the long run.

Clickbait titles are misleading and do not accurately reflect the content of the blog post. Make sure to create a title that is informative and honest.

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Q1. Why is the blog post title so important?

A: The title is essential because it’s the first thing people see before clicking and reading your blog post. It lets them know what they can expect from your blog post. A good title will help you rank higher on search engines, increase your click-through rate, and attract more readers.

Q2. Should a blog post title contain keywords?

A: Yes, a blog post title should contain relevant keywords that match what people are searching for. Using keywords will make it easier for people to find your blog post and improve your search engine rankings.

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Q3. What are some examples of clickbait titles?

A: Examples of clickbait titles would be “You Won’t Believe What Happened Next,” “Shocking Secrets Revealed,” or “This Will Change Your Life Forever.” These titles are sensational and vague, giving readers no idea of what to expect in the blog post.

Q4. Can humor be incorporated into a blog post title?

A: Yes, humor can be used in a blog post title if it fits the tone and content of the blog post. However, make sure to avoid being offensive or inappropriate.

Q5. How many characters should a blog post title have?

A: It is recommended to keep the title within 60 characters so that it fits in the search engines. However, there is no strict rule, and titles can be longer if necessary.

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Q6. Can a blog post title be changed after publishing?

A: Yes, a blog post title can be changed after publishing, but it is not recommended. Changing the title can affect your SEO rankings and confuse readers who may have seen the old title.

Q7. What should be done if the blog post title is not getting desired results?

A: If a blog post title is not performing well, it is good to analyze it and see if it is relevant, unique, and catchy. You can also consider doing some keyword research or A/B testing to see which titles work best for your blog.

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Creating a killer blog post title can make all the difference for your blog post’s success. Using these seven guidelines, you can create a unique and eye-catching title that accurately reflects the content of your blog post.

Remember to be precise, use numbers, make it unique, keep it short, use keywords strategically, ask questions, and avoid clickbait. And if you follow these guidelines, your blog post title is sure to grab attention and rank #1 on search engines.

So, go ahead and experiment with different titles until you find the one that works best for you. And lastly, don’t forget to add a call-to-action, whether it’s asking readers to share the blog post or leave a comment. Happy blogging!

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